Friday, 25 April 2008

Launch of new National Library for Public Health

The National Library for Public Health (NLPH) is an online specialist library of the National Library for Health. It replaces the Public Health electronic Library (PHeL). The NLPH was made available in mid-November 2007 with an initial focus on three key areas: Obesity, Alcohol, and Tobacco. The library was relaunched in April 2008.

The project is being directed by the North East Public Health Observatory on behalf of the Association of Public Health Observatories, as part of the Information and Intelligence Strategy published by the Department of Health.

The library can be accessed at:

What is it?
The purpose of the NLPH is to be the central point of reference for research evidence and guidance on best practice relating to the health of the population. It covers all aspects of population health including:
  • health inequalities
  • health improvement
  • quality and safety
  • health protection

Who is it for?
The NLPH aims to provide resources relevant to:

  • public health specialists
  • commissioners
  • academics
  • professionals whose role includes certain public health goals but who are not themselves specialists
  • members of the public with an interest in public health matters

We also hope that it will be of value to those working in non-health organisations whose role includes responsibility for services that have a direct or indirect impact on health including Police, Transport and Education.

What will I find in the library?
Resources identified for inclusion in the library are:

  • national strategies
  • policies
  • guidelines
  • systematic reviews and other research papers
  • statistical information
  • patient information
    current news and events

The National Library for Public Health is also holding its first National Knowledge Week (NKW) and Annual Evidence Update on childhood obesity from 28th April 2008.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Pain in Supportive and Palliative Care: 28 April - 2 May 2008

An update of the evidence on this topic produced by the NLH Supportive and Palliative Care Specialist Library

This update has been organised by the NLH Supportive and Palliative Care Specialist Library to highlight the best current evidence in this complex area in a concise, easy to read format. It is our second Annual Evidence Update on the topic and was the result of a search for systematic reviews covering a broad view of pain in supportive and palliative care. The included reviews are split into five sub-topics: 1. Mechanisms of pain, 2. Pain assessment, 3. Pain management, 4. Breakthrough pain, 5. The patient experience and patient involvement.

Find out more at

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National Knowledge Week on Childhood Obesity: 28 April - 2 May 2008

An update of the evidence on this topic produced by the National Library for Public Health

The National Library for Public Health is holding its first National Knowledge Week (NKW) and Annual Evidence Update on childhood obesity from 28th April 2008. The week coincides with the launch of the new public health library.

The NKW has been undertaken with the new National Obesity Observatory. Focusing on childhood obesity surveillance and preventative public health interventions, the knowledge week includes an evidence update to the NICE guidance of 2006 and key policy documents. There are also number of guest editorials written by experts, which provide a snapshot summary of preventative interventions for childhood obesity and international surveillance activities.

Find out more at

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