Friday, 19 November 2010

Annual Evidence Update on Supportive and Palliative Care in Chronic Lung Disease: 22-26 November 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - supportive and palliative care.

This Annual Evidence Update addresses supportive and palliative care issues in people with chronic respiratory disease and will focus on two of the most important issues for patients with pulmonary problems. The first is dyspnoea (or breathlessness). This symptom is usually one of the most prevalent in surveys of problems associated with respiratory and also many other systemic illnesses. The second specific topic is cough, which is less common but can nevertheless be just as distressing for patients with cancer and other chronic conditions.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Glaucoma: 22-26 November 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - eyes and vision.

NHS Evidence - eyes and vision are pleased to present the Glaucoma Annual Evidence Update during the week commencing 22 November. This update will present the evidence published since the 2009 update on the following topics:

  • Diagnosis,
  • Monitoring/follow up,
  • Treatment (medical, surgical and laser),
  • Patient education,
  • Service provision,
  • Routine NHS information.

Find out more at

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