Friday, 10 December 2010

Annual Evidence Update on Spinal Diseases: 13-17 December 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - trauma and orthopaedics.

NHS Evidence - trauma and orthopaedics in conjunction with NHS Evidence - musculoskeletal have produced an Annual Evidence Update on Spinal Diseases. As in previous years, we have included guidelines and systematic reviews which have been published within the last year. This Annual Evidence Update includes reviews covering disc surgery and minimally invasive surgery along with various therapies and treatments. This topic should be of particular interest to all health professionals working in this field.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Headache: 13-17 December 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - neurological conditions.

The Neurological Conditions Specialist Collection is launching its third Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on Headache on 13 December. The Project Team has carried out a systematic literature search on headache to identify all high level evidence published since the date of the last Headache AEU in August 2009, including guidelines, systematic reviews, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading headache and migraine experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. A list of the papers deemed worthy of inclusion, along with expert commentaries by our reviewers, will be freely available on the site. We have also identified uncertainties in research to contribute to the DUETs database (see for more details).

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia: 13-17 December 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - genetic conditions.

NHS Evidence - genetic conditions is publishing its second Annual Evidence Update on Familial Hypercholesterolaemia on 13 December 2010. It is over two years since NICE clinical guidance 71 Identification and management of familial hypercholesterolaemia was published and the topic continues to generate interest among healthcare professionals. This update includes a list of relevant guidelines, systematic reviews, meta-analyses and selected randomised controlled trials published in the last year, together with a commentary written by a relevant expert.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Lower Back Pain: 13-17 December 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - complementary and alternative medicine.

The fourth Annual Evidence Update on CAM for Low Back Pain will be published on 13 December. This update aims to present a comprehensive collection of up-to-date information that has been subject to rigorous selection criteria. We have carried out searches in a number of databases, covering the period from September 2009 to October 2010. The update includes a list of systematic reviews, meta-analyses and selected randomised controlled trials, along with commentaries from experts.

Find out more at

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