Friday, 3 December 2004

More visitors than ever!

Health Libraries Week has certainly had a big impact. NeLH experienced its busiest month yet and was visited on 67000 occasions during the week with just under 300 000 visits for November -a 50% in increase on the same month last year. Core Content resources show a similar growth this month, with the highest number of full text downloads ever. Total figures are up 66% on last year.

Tuesday, 30 November 2004

CPD needs workshop

Yesterday a team from University of Wales Aberystwyth held a small workshop in Manchester, for a small group of library staff who had volunteered to discuss issues around training and development. The day proved very informative and NLH and the Aber team would like to thank all who contributed. There's another workshop in London on 13 December. And of course, you can always contribute your comments via e-mail.