Friday, 20 March 2009

Annual Evidence Update on Inflammatory Bowel Disease: 23-27 March 2009

An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Specialist Library.

The NLH Gastroenterology and Liver Diseases Specialist Library project team has carried out a systematic search on Inflammatory Bowel Disease to identify all high level evidence published in the past year, namely guidelines, systematic reviews, health technology assessments and economic evaluations. Leading experts from around the UK have read and appraised these for their validity and relevance to the busy clinician. A list of the most useful papers, along with commentary from the experts, will be available on the site from 23rd March.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Tuberculosis: 23-27 March 2009

An update of the evidence on this topic from the NLH Infections Specialist Library.

The Infections Specialist Library in collaboration with the National Knowledge Service – TB will launch its Annual Evidence Update on Tuberculosis on 23rd March 2009. This has been timed to coincide with World TB Day on 24th March 2009.

This Annual Evidence Update’s message is derived from the Stop TB Partnership’s focus for this year, which is “Simply, Stopping TB”. Subtopics include:

  1. Vaccines to prevent TB
  2. Treatment Completion
  3. Line probe assays
  4. HIV testing in TB clinics

Experts in the field will be providing commentaries on these subtopics, and links to other useful websites will also be provided.

We welcome feedback about the resources included in this update - please contact us if you would like to comment.

Find out more at

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