Annual Evidence Update on Retinal vein occlusions: 14-18 March 2011
An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - eyes and vision
NHS Evidence – eyes and vision are pleased to present the Retinal Vein Occlusions Annual Evidence Update (AEU) during the week commencing 14 March. The update looks at new evidence that has emerged since the 2010 AEU, for which guidance from NICE and the February 2009 interim guidance from the Royal College of Ophthalmologists formed the benchmark.
In December 2010 the Royal College of Ophthalmologists issued revised Interim Guidelines for Management of Retinal Vein Occlusion, with methodological advice provided by the Eyes and Vision Specialist Collection Management Team. In 2010 NICE issued NICE Interventional Procedure Guidance IPG334. Arteriovenous crossing sheathotomy for branch retinal vein occlusion.
The update is restricted to systematic reviews and randomised controlled trials (RCTs). The RCTs of note concerning the treatment of macular oedema in retinal vein occlusion are the SCORE, CRUISE, BRAVO and OZURDEX studies.
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