Friday, 9 April 2010

Annual Evidence Update on Schizophrenia: 12-16 April 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - mental health.

The Schizophrenia Annual Evidence Update (AEU) contains the best available evidence published on schizophrenia during 2009.

The AEU is divided up into sections on:

  • Epidemiology and Pathology
  • Incidence and Prevalence
  • UK Treatment Guidelines and International Guidelines
  • Risk Factors
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment including Early Intervention, Antipsychotics (1st and 2nd generation, depot injections), Complementary and Alternative Therapies, Psychosocial Interventions.
  • Prognosis
  • Populations and Settings (Children and Adolescents, Criminal Behaviour, women, caregivers and workplace)
  • Co Morbidity
  • Dual Diagnosis
  • Health Economics
  • Health Service Provision

The NHS Evidence – mental health team have searched and sifted evidence from a number of databases, including Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Cinahl and TRIP.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Pain: 12-16 April 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - supportive and palliative care.

The 2010 Annual Evidence Update (AEU) on pain in supportive and palliative care is the fourth in our series. Previous AEUs have covered general aspects of pain management in cancer and chronic diseases as well as special situations like pain in dementia and specific treatments such as cannabinoids. This year we are revisiting general pain management in both cancer and non-cancer chronic disease patients to allow clinicians and researchers to keep up to date on the rapid changes in this area.

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Colorectal Cancer: 12-16 April 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - cancer.

NHS Evidence – cancer is publishing its 2010 Annual Evidence Update on colorectal cancer on the 12 April. It will include a guest editorial by Alan Horgan (Consultant Colorectal Surgeon Nuffield Health Newcastle-upon-Tyne Hospital), as well as a list of the latest systematic reviews and guidance published about colorectal cancer since April 2009, patient information and the latest uncertainties about the effects of treatment in colorectal cancer (UK DUETs).

Find out more at

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Annual Evidence Update on Cardiac Rehabilitation: 12-16 April 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - cardiovascular.

Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) is an important aspect of high quality care for (in particular) the patient who has had a heart attack or undergone cardiac surgery or intervention. Access to CR remains low, as highlighted through the National Audit, and NHS Improvement are leading a national priority project to help more patients to benefit. See for more information.

We are publishing an Annual Evidence Update on cardiac rehabilitation which draws together the evidence from systematic reviews and other high quality research and guidance published in the past year, building on our last three Updates. We have been greatly assisted by the NHS Improvement-Heart CR team and expert reviewers from the British Association for Cardiac Rehabilitation.

Find out more at

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