Tuesday, 24 April 2007

2nd National Knowledge Week - Colorectal Cancer: 23-27 April

The Cancer Specialist Library are also presenting a NKW this week - on Colorectal Cancer.
You can find their materials at http://www.library.nhs.uk/cancer/

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National Knowledge Week: Learning Disability Health Needs: 23-27 April

People with learning disabilities have a higher level of health needs than the general population, many of which are unmet. The Learning Disability Health Needs Knowledge Week provides concise summaries of published research for some key health issues:

* Cancer
* Coronary heart disease
* Epilepsy and challenging behaviour
* Respiratory illness

We know that many people with learning disabilities do not to seek out support from the healthcare system unaided, and that healthcare issues can remain undiagnosed or untreated. Healthcare professionals in primary care have infrequent contact with people with learning disabilities, and few have had specific training, although the requirement to offer Health Action Planning to people with learning disabilities to help identify healthcare needs should improve outcomes.

Please promote the health needs site across your networks:

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