Friday, 1 October 2010

Annual Evidence Update on Depression: 4-8 October 2010

An update of the evidence on this topic from NHS Evidence - mental health.

The Annual Evidence Update (AEU) contains the best available evidence published on Depression during 2009-2010.

The AEU is divided up into sections on:

* Epidemiology and Prevalence
* UK and International Guidelines
* Neuropsychology
* Diagnosis and Risk Factors
* Pharmacological Treatments including: SSRIs, SNRIs and TCAs
* Psychosocial Treatments including: CBT and CCBT
* Other Treatments including: Electroconvulsive therapy and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
* Populations and Settings including: Children and Adolescents, Older People, Women, Ethnicity and the Workplace
* Genetics
* Co morbidity
* Dual Diagnosis

The NHS Evidence – mental health team have searched and sifted evidence from a number of databases, including Medline, Embase, PsycINFO, Cinahl and TRIP.

Find out more at

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